Rising Star


        The Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) bazaar is an event where students showcase their skills and talents in various livelihood and entrepreneurship fields. The bazaar is usually held in school or in a community setting and provides students with a platform to demonstrate the practical applications of what they have learned in TLE class. The aim of the bazaar is to provide students with hands-on experience and to help them develop their entrepreneurial skills.

        At the TLE bazaar, students have the opportunity to sell various products and services such as baked goods, handmade crafts, and beauty and wellness services. This gives them the opportunity to put their skills into practice and to learn how to market and sell their products or services. The bazaar also provides students with the opportunity to interact with customers and to learn how to communicate effectively with them. This helps students develop their interpersonal skills and to build their confidence.

        In conclusion, the TLE bazaar is a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their skills and to apply what they have learned in TLE class. It provides students with a platform to develop their entrepreneurial skills and to learn how to run a business. The bazaar also offers students the opportunity to interact with customers and to build their interpersonal skills. Overall, the TLE bazaar is a valuable learning experience for students and helps to prepare them for their future careers in entrepreneurship and the business world. 


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